A photo of a woman's hands flipping through one of an array of paper sample books that include various paperstock, paper colours, paper textures, and paper weights. Print services West Perth and Subiaco

Paper’s paper, it’s all much the same as what goes in the photocopier, right?


The type of paper that’s best for certain print products can be one of those things you never think about, until you need to have something printed. So how do you know which one in the mountain of choices in front of you will best communicate your message and make sure your product does the job you want it to?

The easiest thing to do is to go to an experienced printer who can narrow it right down for you and help you decide, but so you can understand why one paper is better over another, we’ve created this quick guide.



· weight, measured in grams per square metre (gsm) that describes its thickness, and

· finish, the coating on the paper such as gloss, matt, silk, smooth or textured.

There are many things to know about the qualities of paper that will affect print products. Papers vary in acid and alkaline levels that determine how long it will last. The strength of the paper must match how it will be handled. Opacity needs to be thought about to avoid show-through from the opposite side of the printed page. The degree of whiteness in the paper affects the image contrast and the overall print quality.

Choosing the best paper is rarely about getting the most expensive. It’s more complex than that. Along with price, you need to consider what you want your print product to do and what type of paper and finish will do that job for you.


More than just a vehicle for your message, the paper you choose is part of your message. Glossy papers communicate wealth, recycled papers communicate social responsibility, embossed papers communicate creativity or success. Think about the paper the same way you think about the clothes you wear. You don’t wear the same kind of clothes on every occasion so mix up your paper choices to suit the occasion too. Glide Print have all the information you’ll need about choosing the right paper to match your message.


The type of paper you use can have a significant effect on how your images appear. Coated paper will make your colours look crisper. Specialty papers with a textured finish can give your images a rustic, outdoorsy look. The whiteness of the paper can bring out the colours or tone it down to be easier to read. Warmer whites make people look healthier, blue-whites make skin tones look grey. We know how your images will react to certain papers, so use our expertise to get the right paper for your job.


The heavier the paper, the higher the gsm number. If you’re printing on both sides of the paper, you’re going to need a heavier paper so the ink doesn’t show through. Just how heavy the paper needs to be for your product is something we can help you with. Also keep in mind that heavier papers weigh more and that ink also has a weight, so plan carefully if you’re using the product for a mailout because you could be driving up your mailing costs.


Some papers take time to order. You might decide to give your print product that wow factor by using a specialty paper. Those usually have to be ordered in, which is something you don’t want to find out a week before your deadline. Some print processes take longer than others because the paper needs to dry out on the first side before printing the other side so the colours don’t bleed. We’re here to help you with your deadlines as well as choosing the right materials so have a chat with us as at the design stage and avoid any last-minute delays.


You can find a definition of all the common print terms in our free glossary. It’s just one more way we like to make your life easier.

All our clients receive the same Glide Print personal service where you talk to an expert who knows print. Call us so you can cut through all the choices and get the right paper, the first time.


The visual impact of professional quality graphic design is crucial to the success of all your marketing products.

Our designers are fast, creative and professional. We can add to your existing products or create a beautiful design from your ideas.

Glide Print supply all design work from simple tasks like getting your artwork ready for print to creating complex documents such as annual reports and marketing packages. We work closely with our clients to make sure your branding is consistent and the print quality is excellent across all your products.

All of our designers are based in Australia, we don’t outsource our work overseas. You receive personal attention from someone you can talk to and meet. It’s all part of Glide Print’s outstanding service to you.

Like all our products, we supply our design services at Glide Print’s competitive prices.


All our knowledge and skill come at no extra cost to you so you know
you're getting the best quality for your budget and the process will be an easy one for you.

We're here to help.

If you'd like to find out more about the best way to create your a-frames
call us on (08) 9221 7514 email us or request a quote.